Old article, but says it all about China....
It says that "almost 100% of music downloaded from the Net [in China] is stolen". Here's the money quote: "Zhu doesn't believe he and his friends are doing anything wrong. "I think it's a problem with the law, not with us users," he says."
Well, actually, pal Zhu, the problem is indeed with you users. As I mentioned in a previous post, these turd worlders have no concept whatsoever of "intellectual property rights" or "individual rights" like we do. They just don't get it...at all. The idea that if someone works hard on creating something and deserves to profit from it is completely alien to these Godless communists. So, ok, we can understand that years of State brainwashing has cleared out all notions of capitalism from them. But how does one then explain the fact that they'll do anything to make money, regardless of what effect the end product has on consumers- i.e. selling poison baby formula or pet food that KILLS people or animals. Here in the USA when someone wants to cheat in the food industry, they usually do so by watering something down, or substituting cheaper (but still food grade) ingredients. Over there it seems that all they do is say "Hmmm....I need some white powder to stretch this batch of baby formula... hey, whatever is in that bucket over there at that construction site is white, grab it and throw it into the mix". How do you think that way? We ignorant, arogant Americans will never know...
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