Why do immigrants to the USA think anyone here is fooled when they open a business with some variant of "America" in the name, i.e.: "American Grill", "American Gas Station", etc.?
Why do the utterly insane have a compulsion to create overly wordy websites with dozens of font changes per page (i.e. various sizes and colors)? As soon as I see "font salad" on a web site, I know that at some point on the site Jooos will be blamed for everything from "global warming" to the collision of two galaxies billions of light years away...
Why do many (if not all) turd worlders have no concept of courtesy, decency, or what we silly "Americans" refer to as "civilized behavior"? [When I say "Americans on this blog, I'm of course using the term the way most of the world does- to refer to U.S. citizens...although we all know that everyone in the western hemisphere is technically "American"]. Why do so many of us "arogant ignorant Americans" insist that everyone else in the world must be just like us in the behaviors, beliefs, and undertstanding of some "universal code of human rights"??? Things that to us seem to be basic concepts of human decency, like waiting your turn, or saying "thank you", and utterly unknown to 3rd worlders, whether they're from Indian, Arabic, or Israeli. Obnoxious overaggressiveness probably has it's place in uncivilized primitive environments, where "every man for himself" is the accepted way of life, i.e. if you don't grab it, someone else will. But here in the "civilized" world, such behavior is not only unneeded, but unwanted. And of course, we accept it anyway, out of fear of "offending" (and getting knifed by) those who come from different "cultures" and haven't yet "learned" our peaceful ways. Yep, we still shop at that convenience store, that gas station, that restaurant, that 99 cent store... all though the people behind the counter treat us like the lowlife worthless "Americans" that we obviously must be.
And of course the biggest why of all- if they all hate us so much, why do they all come here? And stay here? Like those who were born here and complain about how bad the USA is...but continue to stay here. Cause there's no other place in the WORLD which they see is better.
Lots of clowns claim to hate our Red, White, and Blue, but they sure love our Green. We could start a pool on how many would die in the stampede resulting from dropping U.S. dollars from the air onto a "Death to America" rally....
And what the HELL is up with hanging foreign flags in the USA? If you CHOSE to move to and stay in the USA, what PRIDE do you have for the shithole you left behind? When my great-grandparents came to the USA (legally) in the 1800's, they left the country of their birth behind- FOREVER. Cause that country SUCKED. And treated them like SHIT. So the first thing they did when they came to the USA was learned ENGLISH. And put their kids in public school. And spoke ENGLISH. And didn't make demands on ANYONE to cater to them in any way- they took the DL test in English. And passed. They bought groceries in containers that had only ENGLISH labels. And knew what they were getting. And they DIDN'T get welfare. Or WIC. Or any other "assistance" (aka handout) from anyone. No bailouts. And their kids went on to be honest, law abiding citizens. With jobs. And they robbed no one. Jacked no one. Mugged no one. Burgled no one. Did no drugs. And they survived. With a US flag hanging from their window . They had pride all right- in being in the U.S.A.
So if "your" country is so great- why aren't you there? Why don't you go back and fix it if something's broken there? Or are you just here to rape this country- you fuckers.
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