Monday, June 15, 2009

"Fucking" Liberal/leftists!

*** UPDATE***: Anonymous commenter found different results for ATLAS SHRUGS as per comment below... I used for my search. I think there must be a re-direct for "" which is why Google returned no results.

*** Update 2***: I previously used the search term "fuck". Re-running the searches with the search term "fuck*" which includes all variants (i.e. fucking, fucker, fucked) dramatically increases the results for only 2 of the below sites: Dailykos goes from 18,900 to 71,900, and LGF goes from 3,250 to 28,400.

I just spent about 5 minutes doing a completely UNscientific "poll" via Google hits...

I searched various "left/liberal" and "right wing" web sites for the word "fuck" (via Google). The results are interesting enough to warrant further research if someone has that much time and energy to waste. Alas, I don't, sorry.

Lefty Site: Approx. # of hits
dailykos 18,900 using "fuck*": 71,900
huffingtonpost 6,100
crooksandliars 6,060
wonkette 11,800
firedoglake 3,670

Righty Site: Approx. # of hits
littlegreenfootballs 3,250 using "fuck*": 28,400
hotair 315
debbieschlussel 152
michellemalkin 115
mypetjawa 129
atlasshrugs 288 <-- see comments (I found 0 with

This of course did not take into account anything, like number of postings at each site, whether or not a site moderates or filters (atlasshrugs does not filter comments as far as I can tell). It is interesting to note that most of the "f" bombs appearing on righty sites, especially LGF, are posted within HATE MAIL the operator of the site has received, whereas on the lefty sites, the use of "f" bombs seems to be mixed between actual postings as well as in visitor comments. If anyone wants to do more research into this fascinating topic, be my guest (and send me the results to post- to your credit of course). It's also interesting to see pictures and videos from various types of public events and see the difference in many lefty/liberal events have the "f" bomb and others openly displayed on signs and T-shirts (of course, in some cases, along with outright nudity and "bizarreness" like inflated scrotums). Haven't seen that one yet at any righty event. Probably never will. <-- Many pics of lefty/liberal events in California.

(I'll eventually figure out column alignment stuff)

1 comment:

  1. Results 1 - 10 of about 288 from for fuck*. (0.21 seconds)
