Penny-Ante Piss-ant Power-Tripping Peasants
Prison guards who think they've accomplished something by taking away that extra pair of underwear from an inmate are Penny-Ante Piss-ant Power-Tripping Peasants.
White bitches whose HUSBANDS are rich and thinks that entitles them to take over whole rows on the train and go anywhere they want with their silly pocket-book puppies are Penny-Ante Piss-ant Power-Tripping Peasants.
Black people who purposely take up the whole aisle and move real slow, knowing some white person behind them is in a hurry, are Penny-Ante Piss-ant Power-Tripping Peasants.
People who join condominium association boards and help to pass pointless power-tripping rules that just annoy people and make life more difficult are Penny-Ante Piss-ant Power-Tripping Peasants.
Acutally, all of these Penny-Ante Piss-ant Power-Tripping Peasants are just selfish, miserable assholes, who have nothing in life, and try to make up for their worthless, miserable existences by lording what they perceive as "power" over others... of course, we who are wise to these silly bastards just laugh AT them and get on with our lives...
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